Tips for travelling in Asia for 4 months UAE Dubai

Category Blogs

My Travel Plans for 2024- Kotor Montenegro

My travel plans for 2024

With 2024 coming closer and closer (only 1 month away!), I am starting to wonder about what that year will bring me. Work, personal, but also travel wise. Which places would I like to visit and will it even be…

internal turmoil

Internal turmoil: Life, travel and work

This time I am sharing a bit more of a personal blog, about a topic we all find interesting: life. Better said, what to do in life to make yourself happy. For me, and maybe many of you, travelling is…

Instagram photo

Tips on how to grow on Instagram 2023

Instagram has over a billion users, so it should not be that hard to grow and get many followers, right? Unfortunately, it is not that simple. It does matter on what you think is growing and having many followers. Do…


How to travel cheaper

Money is often the reason why people don´t travel and I feel that´s such a pity! So if you want some tips how I try to travel as cheap as I can, scroll down. There are two keywords to travel…

10 (weird) facts about me

10 (weird) facts about me

Everyone is a little crazy, as am I A little bit akward and shy and crazy about this one guy Okay enough rhyming for today Here it goes, yay! Rhyming isn´t my best talent, sorrySo I will shut up now,…

sri lanka - travel plans for 2022

Top 10 countries I would love to visit

Top 10 countries I have to visit before I kick the bucket! Sri Lanka Number 1 has been Sri Lanka since my birth, because my dad was born here. I would love to visit my fatherland, meet family, discover the…