Dutch/Sri Lankan girl travelling around the world
Hi and welcome to my blog!
Let me introduce myself first shortly: I am Seyamie, a Dutch/Sri Lankan girl that has a passion for travelling.
Greece, Thailand, Jordan, Scotland, India… I have been there, precisely to 37 countries so far (November 2024). Name a country and it’s somewhere on my travel list. It’s a shame that I didn’t discover earlier that I wanted to make travelling my life goal because then my grades at school in Geography would have been waaaay better!
This travel list starts with Sri Lanka, as my dad was born there and my family has never been there. If you ever read about me being in Sri Lanka in the oncoming blogs, you know my biggest dream would have occurred.
I graduated as a pedagogue in 2019 and worked in Sevilla (Spain) as a tour guide. After that, I worked in Barcelona at TheFork. These experiences were life-changing!
I met the most awesome people, got to know more about the culture, experienced studying somewhere other than in the country where schools are highly ranked and I fell in love. Not once, not twice, but three times!
Sevilla and Barcelona have a special place in my heart and I am so happy I learned so much about these fantastic cities. One day I am definitely going back there.
At the moment I am fulfilling my dream by travelling as much as I can and I am taking you with me on my journey.
About the blog
Let’s begin 2018 the right way and start a blog! I have an Instagram account about travelling and I began to realize I can’t stop talking about travelling, so why not start a blog.
This way I can share my adventures and give advice to people who share the same passion as I do. Maybe I can even convince people to also live abroad.
I am open to collaborations, so don´t hesitate and shoot me a message.
Is there something you would like to know about me? Ask me in a comment or message me on my social media!
Curious people were my favorite people during my tours and also in my personal life, so don’t worry and ask me anything!